Admission scoring

According to § 20 of the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council

Applicants will be interviewed by an admissions committee (chair, members) appointed by the DIT. Based on the documents submitted and the interview, the selection board will assess the performance of the candidates on a 100-point scale according to the following criteria:

  • previous academic record (diploma qualification, diploma qualification does not need to be taken into account after two years from the date of graduation) – maximum 25 points;
  • language tests – maximum 25 points;
  • research achievements (student prizes, scientific publications, works) – max 20 points;
  • ideas for doctoral work, feasibility of the research programme – max 30 points.

The scores are used by the selection board to rank the applicants. A minimum of 60 points is required for admission to doctoral studies. A score of 60 is only a necessary condition for admission, not a guarantee of admission, nor a guarantee of any scholarship.

Details of the scoring

  1. Academic progress (max 25 points)

In the case of a graduating MSc student, the weighted cumulative average of the credits without the diploma semester (BSc + MSc semesters in the case of a two-cycle programme) is taken into account.

For diploma holders, the points are calculated for the whole period of study.

Courses, training, etc. related to work, employment, if more than 2 years have passed since graduation.

A qualification of at least a good grade is considered a condition for two years after the award of the diploma. However, the qualification will still count towards the admission score. The selection board will award points (up to a maximum of 25 points) based on the candidate’s documented professional activity since graduation.

  • Language tests (max 25 points)

Second language exam (if one is English):

Intermediate level C 20 points, A or B 10 points

Basic level C 10 points, A or B 5 points.

3. Previous research or creative achievements (student prizes, scientific publications, etc.) (max. 20 points)


  • Presentation at an institutional SCIENCE CONFERENCE OF Students conference on a topic related to the DI programme 3 points/SCIENCE CONFERENCE OF STUDENTS work,
    • or +5 points for Prize II,
  • +2 points for Prize III;
  • National Science Conference of Students conference 1st-IIIrd prize +10 points 
  • Pro Scientia national award: 15 points

Scientific journal articles (published or accepted)

  • Impact Factor Communication: 15 points per communication. 
  • Edited foreign language communication: 8 points per communication.
  • Proofread Hungarian language communication: 5 points/communication.

Holding a conference or other professional lecture

  • If given by the applicant: 2 points per presentation.

(No points will be awarded for other presentations or posters, but details must be provided at the time of application);

Patent, innovation prize

  • Home Prize:10 points/prize
  • International prize:15 points/prize
  • Invention application, patent: 15 points/patent

Competition results

  • Scientific proposal winner and contractor: 5 – 10 points/proposal
  • Participant in an academic competition: 3 – 5 points/application
  • Ideas for the doctoral thesis, the feasibility of the research programme, professional preparation, practical knowledge, professional experience: max. 30 points.

The selection board will assess the following criteria based on the research plan submitted by the candidate and the interview:

  • The candidate can independently formulate unresolved problems related to the research topic.
  • You know which national and international literature can be used to prepare you for your chosen research topic.
  • Professional experience in innovation.

The actual score will be determined by the selection board by evaluating the communications attached to the application.